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Shana Walters
04 janv. 2023
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Luis Alberto? Alla fine resta sempre... " CALCIO LIVE Gasp: "Ritrovare cattiveria" | Italiano: "Risalire" | Alvini: "Juve? Ce la giochiamo" MILAN Ibra in vacanza a Miami: nuovo look e fisico statuario ROMA Wijnaldum scalpita e vede il rientro: "Non vedo l'ora di tornare" in rosso Roma, è il bilancio peggiore della storia: essenziali le risorse di Friedkin SU INSTAGRAM Juve, Pogba torna a ruggire: possibile rientro in campo contro il Monza gol e analisi Mercoledì dalle 23 torna l'appuntamento con Pressing su Italia 1 e sito inter LA TEGOLA Inter, si ferma ancora Brozovic: niente Napoli, Supercoppa a rischio ritorno da campione Lautaro: "Dopo il Mondiale voglio vincere ancora, credo nello scudetto" CUORE NERAZZURRO Acerbi, video al bimbo picchiato: "Non mollare, la tua Inter ti aspetta" mercato Tiago Pinto: "Mourinho-Portogallo, nessuna paura. " - il caso Infantino e il selfie accanto alla bara di Pelé: "Mai irrispettoso verso O Rei" addio o rei Pelé, feretro al cimitero: ultimo saluto della famiglia con rito privato TOP VIDEO Mercato Ronaldo d'Arabia si presenta: "Grande opportunità non solo calcistica" CR7 arriva allo stadio dell'Al Nassr Empoli Zanetti: "Caputo ha i colori e lo stemma nel cuore" juventus Allegri: "Cremonese squadra tosta, partita complicata" salernitana Nicola: "Tanta voglia di far bene" serie a nuove indicazioni Serie A 2023 e arbitri: tempi VAR più brevi, no a perditempo e rigorini VERSO LECCE-LAZIO Sarri: "Mondiale uno spot per il Qatar. Probabili formazioni Lecce-LazioIl tecnico del Lecce, Baroni, punterà sul 4-3-3. Spazio al tridente in attacco, formato da Di Francesco, Colombo e Strefezza. La cerniera di centrocampo, invece, dovrebbe essere composta da Blin, Hjulmand e Gonzalez, con Falcone che guiderà la squadra tra i pali. Kristoffer Askildsen, centrocampista Lecce (Bigstockphoto/canno73)Il tecnico della Lazio, Maurizio Sarri, scenderà in campo sempre con il 4-3-3. Al centro dell’attacco ci sarà Ciro Immobile, che vuole giocare dal primo minuto, con Felipe Anderson e Zaccagni ai suoi lati. In mezzo al campo dovrebbero esserci Vecino, Cataldi e Milinkovic-Savic. Entrambe hanno voglia di ripartite al meglio nel 2023. Qui tutte le informazioni su dove vedere la sfida di Serie A Lecce-Lazio in diretta tv e streaming. Come arrivano le due squadre alla sfida Tutti disponibili alla corte di Baroni per il Lecce, pronto a dare battaglia alla Lazio per portarsi a casa la vittoria ed allontanarsi ancora di più dalla zona retrocessione. I giallorossi devono stare attenti ai diffidati soprattutto per la sfida salvezza della prossima giornata contro lo Spezia. Sono ben quattro i giocatori in diffida: Di Francesco, Umtiti, Hjulmand e Gonzalez. Tra le fila dei biancocelesti, invece, saranno assenti Gila e Luis Alberto. Maurizio Sarri vorrà consolidare il suo posto in Champions anche grazie alla difficile partita che attende l’Inter contro il Napoli. " INGHILTERRA Il Liverpool crolla, impresa Brentford: Klopp fuori dalla zona Europa GERMANIA Dortmund, Haller si allena in palestra: "Sono finalmente tornato" cr7 cambia vita Ronaldo-Al Nassr e la clausola Champions: Newcastle può sognare LA GRANDE ATTESA Febbre Ronaldo: attesa per la presentazione, giovedì potrebbe debuttare INTESA D'ORO CR7-Al Nassr, affare da un miliardo: poi testimonial per i Mondiali in Arabia Saudita prime parole Ronaldo non vede l'ora: "Entusiasta, la visione dell'Al Nassr mi stimola" calcio in lutto a vila belmiro Addio a Pelé: in migliaia allo stadio del Santos per la veglia funebre L'ANNUNCIO Infantino: "Ogni Paese del mondo abbia uno stadio intitolato a Pelé" DAL BRASILE Il Santos non ritirerà la maglia numero 10 di Pelé | Rispettata la sua volontà ADDIO A O REI Pelé, eredità milionaria: lascia un patrimonio da oltre 100 mln di dollari nazionale INTERVISTA Mancini: "Chiesa e Zaniolo per l'Italia 2023. Potevamo giocarci il Mondiale" #creatodalleemozioni" Italia, ecco il nuovo logo. Gravina: "Nuova immagine, stesse emozioni" calcio a teheran Iran: liberi i quattro calciatori arrestati dopo la festa di Capodanno A BARCELLONA Dani Alves accusato di violenza sessuale in discoteca: "Non è vero" IL LIBRO Cremonese nella storiA: una squadra di provincia che si è fatta sempre valere dakar 2023 vai allo speciale TERZA TAPPA Dakar: doppietta di Sanders, ritiro per Brabec | Gioia Chicherit nelle auto CHE SORPRESA Dakar, c'è anche Carlos Sainz Jr. a tifare per il padre: "Atmosfera magica" AMBIZIONI ITALIANE La prima sfida di Salvini alla Dakar: "Esperienza, farò del mio meglio" parla il direttore Castera: "La Dakar deve avere uno scopo green: qui nascono le auto di domani" DAKAR I tre cavalieri per il sogno vittoria di Audi: Ekstrom, Peterhansel, Sainz Dal Mar Rosso al Golfo Persico: gli oltre 8mila chilometri della Dakar 2023 motori rally Addio a Ken Block, il mago di Gymkhana: fatale un incidente in motoslitta RALLY Gymkhane di lusso con Hamilton e Rossi: chi era Ken Block MOTOGP Mir, prime parole da pilota Honda: "Mi piace questa sfida, Marquez è tosto" DODICI ROUND Superbike, quasi pronto il calendario 2023: apre l'Australia, chiude l'Argentina formula 1 la ricorrenza Schumi compie 54 anni, gli auguri della Ferrari tra memoria e riconoscenza ferrari Sainz ci crede: "Il rapporto collaudato tra Vasseur e Leclerc sarà utile a tutti" la novità Allentamento delle restrizioni: torna il GP della Cina? sfida in famiglia Tregua armata: Gasly vs. Serie A: dove vedere le partite della 16ª giornata, tv e streamingIl 2023 si apre con il turno infrasettimanale in programma mercoledì 4 gennaio: come seguire in diretta tv e in streaming tutti i match su DAZN e Sky Pubblicato il: 3 Gennaio 2023 16:00:00 Fonte: DAZN Dopo la pausa per i Mondiali "anomali" di Qatar 2022, la prima Coppa del Mondo disputata in inverno, torna finalmente la Serie A. Era dal 13 novembre che non si scendeva in campo per il campionato, ma ora è tempo di ripartire con la sedicesima giornata. Il 2023 si apre con un turno infrasettimanale: mercoledì 4 gennaio si parte con Salernitana-Milan, in serata il big match di San Siro tra l’Inter e la capolista Napoli. Libero Magazine è anche su TwitterIscriviti gratis per tutte le ultime news su TV e spettacoli La 16esima giornata sarà trasmessa da DAZN e Sky. Lecce - Lazio: dove vederla in TV e streamingTempo di lettura: < 1 minuto DOVE VEDERE LECCE LAZIO - È arrivato il momento della sfida Lecce Lazio, ma dove è possibile vedere la prima partita dell'anno dei biancocelesti di Maurizio Sarri? La partita, che sarà possibile seguire anche qui su Lazionews. eu, è visibile sia su Sky che su Dazn. LEGGI ANCHE: LE PROBABILI FORMAZIONI DI LECCE - LAZIO Dove vedere Lecce Lazio in TV e streaming Il match tra Lazio e Lecce, valido per la giornata 16° di Serie A con fischio d’inizio mercoledì 4 gennaio alle 16. 30 è trasmesso in diretta da DAZN e Sky Sport. La partita sarà trasmessa sui canali Sky Sport Calcio (202 del satellite) e Sky Sport (252 del satellite). Lecce-Lazio, mercoledì 4 gennaio 2023 (ore 16:30)Il Lecce è tornato in Serie A dopo tre anni. L’obiettivo in questa stagione non può che essere la salvezza dopo aver ottenuto la promozione qualche mese fa. Il club ha confermato sulla panchina l’artefice di tutto ciò, il tecnico Baroni. Inizio di campionato discreto, con 15 punti raccolti in quindici giornate, a più otto sulla zona retrocessione. Nell’ultimo turno è arrivato il successo in casa della Sampdoria per 2-0. Lecce-Lazio, Serie A: Pronostico, Probabili Formazioni e Come Vederla in TV e StreamingAllo stadio di Via del Mare di Lecce si gioca il match valido per la sedicesima giornata di Serie A tra Lecce e Atalanta. Si affrontano due squadre che hanno ambizioni ben diverse in quest’annata. I padroni di casa puntano alla permanenza nel massimo campionato italiano, mentre gli ospiti vogliono lottare fino all’ultimo per la zona Champions. Lecce-Lazio dove vederla: Sky o DAZN? Canale tv, diretta streaming, formazioni della partitaLecce vs Lazio 08:55 CET 03/01/23 La Lazio riparte dal Via del Mare di Lecce: tutte le informazioni su dove seguire il match in diretta tv, in streaming e le probabili formazioni. Questa pagina contiene link di affiliazione. Quando sottoscrivi un abbonamento attraverso questi link, noi riceveremo una commissione LECCE-LAZIO: CANALE TV E DIRETTA STREAMINGPartita: Lecce-LazioData: 04/01/2023Orario: 16:30Canale tv: DAZN, Sky Sport Calcio (202 del satellite), Sky Sport (252 del satellite)Streaming: DAZN, Sky Go, NOWLecce e Lazio ripartono dal Via del Mare. La Lazio ha cominciato quest’annata con ambizioni importanti. La squadra di Maurizio Sarri ha avuto un buon inizio in campionato con 30 punti raccolti in quindici partite, a meno undici dal primato, in piena lotta per la zona Champions. Quarto posto in classifica, alla pari con l’Inter quinta. Nell’ultimo turno è arrivata la pesante sconfitta per 3-0 in casa della Juventus. Come vedere la partita in tv e streamingIl match tra Lecce e Lazio, con fischio d’inizio previsto alle ore 16:30, sarà visibile in diretta tv e in streaming su DAZN. Sport: notizie, streaming, risultati live e in direttaformazioni live Juve, Di Maria out | Inter, Lukaku con Dzeko | Milan: CDK bocciato, c'è Diaz formazioni live VERSO SALERNITANA-MILAN Pioli: "Carichi e affamati di vittorie. Maignan non tornerà a breve" VERSO INTER-NAPOLI Inzaghi: "Credo nella rimonta. Lukaku ha voglia, Skriniar ama l'Inter" Spalletti: "Ripartiamo consci della nostra forza. Sozza? No ai complotti" VERSO CREMONESE-JUVE Allegri: "In campo con umiltà. Pogba tra 15/20 giorni, Vlahovic sta meglio" MANOVRE BIANCONERE La Juve ci prova: 7 mln più bonus per convincere Rabiot. Ma la mamma... PORTA APERTA Milan, valzer in porta: ufficiale Vasquez, sondaggio per Sergio Rico L'INTERVISTA Tomori e i ricordi scudetto: "Pensa se vinciamo la Champions League... " IL BEL GESTO Dybala, cuore giallorosso: medaglia del Mondiale all'archivio della Roma al nassr Ronaldo: "Non è la fine della mia carriera. Per questo motivo, il nostro consiglio è quello di puntare sul segno 2 (miglior quota 2, 10 su GoldBet, che offre ai nuovi iscritti il 100% sul primo deposito fino a 530€ + 5€ in bonus virtual). In alternativa, ci aspettiamo una partita con tanti gol e per questo consigliamo il segno Over 2, 5 (miglior quota 2, 15 su Better, che offre ai nuovi clienti un bonus di benvenuto fino a 530€). Inoltre, consigliamo anche il Gol (miglior quota 1, 92 su Eurobet, che offre ai nuovi clienti un bonus di benvenuto fino a 315€). LECCE (4-3-3): Falcone; Gendrey, Baschirotto, Umtiti, Gallo; Gonzalez, Hjulmand, Blin; Strefezza, Colombo, Di Francesco. LAZIO (4-3-3): Provedel; Lazzari, Casale, Romagnoli, Marusic; Milinkovic-Savic, Cataldi, Vecino; Felipe Anderson, Immobile, Zaccagni. Pronostico Lecce-LazioAllo stadio di Via Del Mare si affrontano due squadre con obiettivi ben diversi. Per quanto riguarda il pronostico, la Lazio ha sicuramente qualità superiori rispetto ai propri avversari. Frattesi non si può" IL RITORNO Ranieri, tifosi in delirio a Cagliari: "Dentro di me c'è un maremoto" mercato live Nainggolan: "Cagliari? Non so" | Lecce, preso Maleh | Sassuolo: Gudmundsson MERCATO Colpo grosso del Chelsea: Enzo Fernandez pagato più della clausola DALL'INGHILTERRA Inter-Thuram Jr, pericolo dalla Premier: lo United lo vuole già a gennaio LE PAROLE Juve, Christillin 'spaventa' i tifosi: "Niente acquisti e bisognerà anche vendere" rinnovo o addio Da Messi a Skriniar e Di Maria, i calciatori in scadenza tra sei mesi Calciomercato invernale: la tabella degli acquisti e delle cessioni ufficiali calcio estero TOTTENHAM Conte, c'è aria di addio? "Felice qui, ma possono accadere mille cose... Tutti i match saranno visibili su DAZN tramite app, smart tv, tablet e mobili (e in streaming su TIMVision), mentre Sky trasmetterà tre match in diretta (e in live streaming sulle piattaforme SkyGo e Now TV). Scopriamo dunque dove vedere l’intera giornata di campionato con il programma completo di orari. Serie A 2022/23, la sedicesima giornata Il sedicesimo turno di Serie A, il primo dopo i Mondiali e il primo del 2023, sarà infrasettimanale: tutte le partite saranno concentrate in un unico giorno mercoledì 4 gennaio, ma la giornata sarà "spezzettata" in vari orari.
Shana Walters
03 janv. 2023
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Let’s check the latest NBA odds, stats, injury report and NBA lines for Wizards vs Bucks. We’ve plenty of NBA betting odds for you to consider. Shorthanded Bucks drop the first of two consecutive games against the Wizards. pic. twitter. com/cJuDiEIqXX — Milwaukee Bucks (@Bucks) January 2, 2023 Wizards vs Bucks Betting Lines Wizards vs Bucks Picks and Prediction In three of Milwaukee’s last four games at home with Holiday active, the Bucks won by at least nine points. This includes a 26-point win over Utah and a 13-point victory against the Sacramento Kings. Milwaukee is due for a big bounce back and will thrash Washington. Antetokounmpo averages 22. 5 Result & BTTS 100 Wizards / Yes Bucks vs Wizards bet builder tips: Our same game parlay pick is Wizards +7. 5 on the spread, over 227. 5 points and Wizards/BTTS Yes on the Result & Both Teams to Score market. A bet builder is a great alternative for basketball bettors who want to focus their wagering on a single event. You can predict different outcomes and see their odds combined before going ahead and placing this tailored bet. T&C apply. Gamble responsibly 18+ Betting Odds With the sportsbooks giving them a 76% probability of winning this NBA game, Milwaukee Bucks might be a popular parlay pick. The +7. 5 line has been covered by Wizards in 7 of their last 10 games. 5 line has been covered by Wizards in 5 consecutive games. The -7. 5 line hasn’t been covered by Bucks in 4 of their last 5 games. 5 line hasn’t been covered by Bucks in 6 of their last 10 games. 5 line hasn’t been covered by Bucks in 5 of their last 10 games against Wizards. We wouldn’t be surprised to see the underdogs win this NBA contest and it makes sense to take +7. 74 to rack up Over 33. 5 points. If you want to go Under, then 2. 05 is available. Giannis Antetokounmpo (Bucks) Kristaps Porzingis (Wizards) Kyle Kuzma (Wizards) Jrue Holiday (Bucks) Brook Lopez (Bucks) Bobby Portis (Bucks) Grayson Allen (Bucks) Monte Morris (Wizards) Pat Connaughton (Bucks) Daniel Gafford (Wizards) Joe Ingles (Bucks) Jevon Carter (Bucks) Micro BettingAmong the various options for wagering on the NBA, you will find that micro betting markets are provided. They focus on short-term in-game outcomes such as Next Field Goal, where you select if the shot will be a two or three-pointer. 5. This looks a good number when squaring off against the Milwaukee Bucks. Injuries can affect the overall outcome and we use this information as well as the latest form guide. The same applies to the stats so that we can get the best understanding of how things might pan out. Key Wizards vs Bucks stats: The +7. 5 line has been covered by Wizards in 5 of their last 5 games. Paolo fancies himself as an underdog in the sports betting world as he does not come from a traditional sports background. He did not become a hardcore sports fan until his freshman days in college studying Mass Media and Communications. While he played basketball and trained in martial arts, Paolo sees himself more as a nerd who cut his teeth in sports analysis by dropping truth bombs and stone-cold facts against crazed fans from online message boards. It was here he caught the attention of several sports journalists and website owners who gave him his start as a sportswriter. 80 pts and allowed 111. 10 pts in the last 10 games Team Totals on the Road: Have scored an average of 114. 40 pts in the last 10 games on the road Team Stats - Avg/Game Last 10 Games 2-Pointers Made: 28. 20 (56%) 3-Pointers Made: 12. 70 (32%) Free Throws Made: 19. 00 (75%) Rebounds: Total 49. 5, Offensive 13. 60, Defensive 35. 90 Assists: 22. 40 Blocks: 3. Wizards vs. Bucks: Start time, where to watch, what's the latest Read More Wizards vs Bucks Game Analysis Wizards Look to Do It Again Washington beat Milwaukee via a collective effort as six players scored in double digits. The Bucks can blame their absences but the Wizards remained without Bradley Beal (hamstring). Rui Hachimura scored 26 off the bench while Kyle Kuzma posted a triple-double. With the win, Washington won its fifth consecutive game and its fourth straight as an underdog. Washington is also 6-0-1 against the spread (ATS) in its last seven games as one. After seemingly tanking in December, the Wizards have suddenly returned to the playoff picture. 45 on the same betting market. National Basketball Association fans are spoilt for choice thanks to the hundreds of markets which are available for every event on the coupon. Head to the betting sites and find the best value picks. Money Line Points Spread Total Points Player PropsProp betting is very popular, with bettors looking to wager on player props such as Points, Assists, Rebounds, Steals and Three-Pointers. It’s a great way of betting on individual player performance and the gambling sites will provide lots of options. In terms of scoring most points, favorite Giannis Antetokounmpo (Bucks) is available at 1. Wizards vs Bucks Prediction, Game Preview, Live Stream, Odds and PicksHealthier Milwaukee Aims for Revenge The Milwaukee Bucks host the Washington Wizards for a second straight game. But this time, the team gets back Jrue Holiday and Giannis Antetokounmpo as the NBA betting lines now favor them widely. Washington trounced Milwaukee on New Year’s Day as Holiday and Antetokounmpo sat on the sidelines. Now, the Wizards look to pull off an upset to keep their streak alive. 2 points and 9. 9 boards with a 10 net rating in his career against the Wizards. Lay the points on the sportsbook. The Washington Wizards are listed at +275 in our Vegas NBA lines. This means that if you wager $100 on the Wizards, you have a chance to win $275. The Milwaukee Bucks are -340, offering a chance to win $29 on a $100 wager. The implied probability attached to the betting lines gives the Wizards a 26. 67% chance to win, with the Bucks at 77. 27% Wizards vs Bucks Game Information Game: Wizards (17-21) vs Bucks (23-13) Location: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, WI Day/Time: Tuesday, Jan. Wizards vs. Bucks Odds, Expert Pick, Prediction - Action Network Washington Wizards vs. Milwaukee Bucks - Washington Wizards vs Milwaukee Bucks Prediction & Betting TipsFree Washington Wizards vs Milwaukee Bucks prediction. 03:00 Tip-Off, Wednesday 4 January at Fiserv Forum. NBA betting tips, player props and team news. Find out the latest lines and odds for this basketball game. Prediction Bet Builder Odds Stats Live Stream Team News Squads Lineups Injuries Standings Washington Wizards @ Milwaukee Bucks Betting Prediction Wizards +7. 5 03:00 Wed 4 Jan The Washington Wizards look easy to back at 1. 91 considering they’ve been given a spread of +7. Milwaukee Bucks vs Washington Wizards: Predictions, odds 5 ProbabilityAccording to the sportsbooks, our pick has a 52. 4% chance of winning. After careful examination, our experts have this probability somewhere between 55-60%. This is why we can recommend this bet. Wizards vs Bucks Betting Tips Washington Wizards +7. 5 @ 1. 91 Watch Live Bet Now Gamble responsibly 18+. All odds are correct at time of publishing and are subject to change. To use the Bookmaker Live Streaming services you will need to be logged in and have a funded account or to have placed a bet in the last 24 hours. Geo-restrictions apply. Published 14:38, 03 January 2023 Bet Builder Tips Spread Totals Over 227. 60 pts in the previous 10 games Game Totals at Home: An average of 232. 90 pts in the previous 10 home games Over 227. 5: Covered in 6 of the previous 10 games Over 227. 5 at Home: Covered in 7 of the previous 10 home games Team Totals: Have scored an average of 113. 50 pts and allowed 119. 10 pts in the last 10 games Team Totals at Home: Have scored an average of 119. 70 pts and allowed 113. 20 pts in the last 10 home games Game Totals: An average of 227. 90 pts in the previous 10 games Game Totals on the Road: An average of 228. 10 pts in the previous 10 games on the road Over 227. 5: Covered in 5 of the previous 10 games Over 227. 5 on the Road: Covered in 5 of the previous 10 games on the road Team Totals: Have scored an average of 116. Washington Wizards vs Milwaukee Bucks Betting Odds Washington Wizards vs Milwaukee Bucks Prediction & Betting Wizards vs Bucks Prediction, Stream, Odds and Picks Jan 3 That is reflected in their 1. 31 Money Line betting odds. Washington Wizards are the underdogs at 3. 60 and they’re regarded as least likely to win. 8 is where the spread lies, with total points being 230 right now. The Totals market offers basketball bettors an alternative way of getting involved. If you want to back Over 230, it’s 1. 91. Favorites Bucks are available at odds of 1. 57 when it comes to reaching 20 points first. Opponents Wizards are chalked up at 2. Without him, it is 5-5. The improved Bucks’ offense makes them easier to trust when betting online. The team should score more at home as 12 of its 19 home games have gone over the total. Consider the Sunday game an aberration. Wizards vs Bucks Head-to-Head Washington’s win over Milwaukee was only its second in its last 12 games in the series. The Wizards are also just 1-4 in their last five visits to Milwaukee. The total has gone under in four of their last five meetings. Wizards vs Bucks Injuries Paolo Go As a long-time Toronto Raptors and Buffalo Bills fan, Go Paolo knows that every dog gets its day. Team Stats Latest regular season and play-off games stats. Milwaukee Bucks Stats Washington Wizards Stats 4 wins and 6 defeats in the last 10 games 7 wins and 3 defeats in the last 10 home games 6 wins and 4 defeats in the last 10 games 4 wins and 6 defeats in the last 10 games on the road -7. 5 Betting Line: Have covered the spread in 4 of the last 10 games -7. 5 Betting Line at Home: Have covered the spread in 7 of the last 10 home games +7. 5 Betting Line: Have covered the spread in 7 of the last 10 games +7. 5 Betting Line on the Road: Have covered the spread in 6 of the last 10 games on the road Game Totals: An average of 232. Milwaukee Bucks - Washington Wizards » Live Score 3, 8:10 p. m. ET Wizards vs Bucks Live stream: NBA Game Pass By Derrick Erickson / January 3, 2023 Big Ten Play has Tripped up Minnesota The Minnesota Golden Gophers started the season hot with a 4-1 overall record... Read More By Paolo Go / January 3, 2023 By Jim Fuller / January 3, 2023 Cavaliers Looks to Continue Domination in Series This could be one of the most challenging stretches of the season for... Milwaukee Bucks vs Washington Wizards live score - AiScore
Shana Walters
02 janv. 2023
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The Red Devils are the only team to have won every Premier League match in which they have been ahead this season, having done so on 10 occasions. They have won six successive home games in all competitions for the first time since a run of 12 from May to December 2017 under Jose Mourinho. Marcus Rashford has scored in three consecutive appearances in all competitions for the first time since November 2019. BournemouthThe Cherries have claimed just eight points from their past 18 Premier League away games and failed to keep a clean sheet in any of them, conceding a total of 49 goals. Bournemouth have conceded 26 goals in eight away matches. Bournemouth have lost eight of their nine away games against Manchester United in all competitions, with the exception being a 1-1 Premier League draw in March 2017. Manchester UnitedUnited are looking to register four home league wins in a row without conceding for the first time since a run of six between May and October 2017. The only Manchester United manager to reach 10 Premier League wins in fewer matches than the 16 it has taken Erik ten Hag was Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who did it in 12. Manchester United vs Bournemouth live stream and match Manchester United v BournemouthManchester United boss Erik ten Hag dropped Marcus Rashford to the bench against Wolves for disciplinary reasonsTEAM NEWSManchester United forward Marcus Rashford is likely to be recalled, having been dropped against Wolves as punishment for turning up late to a team meeting. World Cup winner Lisandro Martinez is in contention to return, along with Diogo Dalot and Scott McTominay, but Jadon Sancho is unlikely to feature. Bournemouth will assess midfielder Philip Billing, who suffered a hip problem against Crystal Palace. Adam Smith is one booking from a ban. Only Burnley, who let in 27 in 2009-10, have had a worse record at the same stage of a Premier League season. They are aiming to become only the seventh newly-promoted side to win away at Manchester United in the Premier League. The Cherries have never won an away league fixture against either of the Manchester clubs, losing 12 times and drawing two. Only four teams have a worse record: Hull (24 games), Walsall (16), Gainsborough Trinity (15) and Chesterfield (15). They have conceded a top-flight high of 11 goals from corners this season. Bournemouth's only win in their opening league game of a calendar year over the past 10 years was 1-0 at Stoke City in the Championship in 2021. David Brooks, Ryan Fredericks, Marcus Tavernier, Neto and Junior Stanislas remain on the sidelines. Go straight to all the best Manchester United contentVisit our AFC Bournemouth pageCHRIS SUTTON'S PREDICTIONI am a bit worried about where Bournemouth are heading - they have lost six of their past seven league games and conceded two poor goals from set plays against Crystal Palace. How to watch Manchester United vs Bournemouth - UTDDistrict With five successive wins in all competitions, Manchester United are heading in the opposite direction. It obviously helps a lot that Marcus Rashford is playing so well at the moment, but Erik ten Hag is doing a very good job and they are a team that looks full of confidence. Prediction: 3-0Sutton's full predictions v Modernlove drummer Cian McCluskeyMATCH FACTSHead-to-headManchester United have won seven of the 10 Premier League meetings (D1, L2). Bournemouth have lost eight of their nine away games against Manchester United in all competitions, with the exception being a 1-1 Premier League draw in March 2017. Manchester UnitedUnited are looking to register four home league wins in a row without conceding for the first time since a run of six between May and October 2017. The only Manchester United manager to reach 10 Premier League wins in fewer matches than the 16 it has taken Erik ten Hag was Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who did it in 12. The Red Devils are the only team to have won every Premier League match in which they have been ahead this season, having done so on 10 occasions. They have won six successive home games in all competitions for the first time since a run of 12 from May to December 2017 under Jose Mourinho. Marcus Rashford has scored in three consecutive appearances in all competitions for the first time since November 2019. Manchester United v BournemouthManchester United boss Erik ten Hag dropped Marcus Rashford to the bench against Wolves for disciplinary reasonsTEAM NEWSManchester United forward Marcus Rashford is likely to be recalled, having been dropped against Wolves as punishment for turning up late to a team meeting. World Cup winner Lisandro Martinez is in contention to return, along with Diogo Dalot and Scott McTominay, but Jadon Sancho is unlikely to feature. Bournemouth will assess midfielder Philip Billing, who suffered a hip problem against Crystal Palace. Man Utd vs Bournemouth - Premier League - 90min BournemouthThe Cherries have claimed just eight points from their past 18 Premier League away games and failed to keep a clean sheet in any of them, conceding a total of 49 goals. Bournemouth have conceded 26 goals in eight away matches. Only Burnley, who let in 27 in 2009-10, have had a worse record at the same stage of a Premier League season. They are aiming to become only the seventh newly-promoted side to win away at Manchester United in the Premier League. Preview: Manchester United vs. Bournemouth - Sports Mole Adam Smith is one booking from a ban. David Brooks, Ryan Fredericks, Marcus Tavernier, Neto and Junior Stanislas remain on the sidelines. Go straight to all the best Manchester United contentVisit our AFC Bournemouth pageCHRIS SUTTON'S PREDICTIONI am a bit worried about where Bournemouth are heading - they have lost six of their past seven league games and conceded two poor goals from set plays against Crystal Palace. With five successive wins in all competitions, Manchester United are heading in the opposite direction. It obviously helps a lot that Marcus Rashford is playing so well at the moment, but Erik ten Hag is doing a very good job and they are a team that looks full of confidence. Prediction: 3-0Sutton's full predictions v Modernlove drummer Cian McCluskeyMATCH FACTSHead-to-headManchester United have won seven of the 10 Premier League meetings (D1, L2). Manchester United vs AFC Bournemouth Live Scores Man Utd v Bournemouth Premier League kick-off time and TV
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